Organization Amount Date Year
Northumberland Medical Scholarship Fund $1,000 24-Apr 2004
Rebound Youth Services $500 15-Jun 2004
Vintage Film Festival $500 15-Jun 2004
Treatment Foster Care etc. $500 15-Jun 2004
Shelter Valley Folk Festival $500 27-Sep 2004
Art Gallery of Northumberland $500 3-Oct 2004
Northumberland Services for Women $500 29-Nov 2004
Colborne Art Gallery $500 15-Dec 2004
Canadian Red Cross Tsunami Relief $500 30-Dec 2004
Cobourg Public Library $500 11 Jan 2005
Northumberland Humane Society $500 6 March 2005
Northumberland Orchestra $500 26 April 2005
Shelter Valley Folk Festival $500 26 April 2005
Northumberland Big Sisters and Brothers $500 26 April 2005
Port Hope Public Library - DVDs $450 15 June 2005
Cobourg Public Library - DVDs $450 20 June 2005
Brighton Barn Theatre $500 Sept 22 2005
DVD's for Cobourg Library $441 June 2006
Shelter Valley Folk Festival $500 June 2006
Vintage Film Festival $500 June 2006
Cobourg Public Library set of DVD's Approx. $500 May 2007
Vintage Film Festival $500 May 2007
Shelter Valley Folk Festival $500 May 2007
Northumberland Players $500 May 2007
Northumberland Humane Society $500 May 2007
Northumberland Biggest Coffee Morning for NHH Hospital MRI $500 May 2007
Northumberland Services for Women $500 May 2007
Alzheimer Society of Peterborough and Area $500 April 2007
Cobourg Public Library set of DVD's approx. $500 May 2008
Shelter Valley Folk Festival $500 May 2008
Northumberland Services for Women $500 May 2008
Cobourg Public Library 2 seasons of DVD's approx. $800 2009

Donations 2010 to Current